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Here's Why The Internet Could Be The Most Powerful Earthquake Detection System Ever PETER DOCKRILL 6 JUL 2018 (spainter_vfx/iStock) The internet isn't your phone. It's not Instagram, YouTube, or Netflix. Behind those apparitions, the internet is actually a  sprawling matrix  of hundreds of undersea data cables, criss-crossing the ocean for some 885,000 km ( 550,000 miles ). That's where your Facebook and FOMO come from. But those hidden conduits aren't just useful for relaying data - this massive web of infrastructure could also give us an unprecedented network for detecting earthquakes, new research reveals. In a new study led by volcanologist Philippe Jousset from the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, researchers sent pulses of laser light through a 15-kilometre (9.3 mile) stretch of conventional optical fibre internet cable in Iceland, which they used as a proxy to measure seismic activity. "Ou...
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